Abeyta Photography

04 June 2013

Custom M&Ms at MyMMs.com with Discount code

If you love M&Ms and you'd like to get some custom creations for a special event, you have to either visit one of the several M&M stores or order custom M&Ms online (mymms.com).

I've done this before but haven't had a reason to in a long time.  Well, in a couple of weeks is my son's high school graduation so I thought I'd get something special for him and our arriving guests.

First, you get to pic the colors.  Since his college colors will be blue and gold, i was lucky they had that combo!

And then you add the some customization . . . I picked a picture from his kindergarten and his senior picture.

And this is what it should look like!

Now, they are pretty expensive . . . over $2.00 for less than an ounce of individually wrapped goodies, but for a memorable gift, this isn't too bad.  But, just to make sure everyone doesn't eat them gone if two small handfuls, i'll make sure to purchase a big bag for the snacking.

Now, here's the good part . . . to save a little bit of money, you can get your personalized M&Ms by using the discount code of My10Off that came in an email.  This discount is taken at the register.  However, always looking for a better deal, I kept trying different variations of the discount code and I was able to save 15% by using the unadvertised code of My15Off.

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